Today I have encountered three experiences which has lead me to think of the concept of generosity. Let me start with the most recent event that I've experienced. I have actually just finished watching a video of a speech delivered by Simon Sinek - author of the book "Start With Why". I will not dwell with the topic of his speech - but I want to touch upon what he said about generosity. He indicated that doing an act of generosity makes us feel good. This will lead us to think that in mankind's evolution, mother nature fired up all the synapses and the chemistry in our brain to make us feel good when we do an act of giving --- because this is essential to our species survival and growth. Mother nature rewards our acts of kindness with feeling good because we need to want to do it over and over again.
The second experience that I wanted to share with you is the conversation that I had with my dermatologist and another one of her patient. She and I talked about our shared experience of taking care of our parents. She actually told her other patient - who is just about to graduate from College - that it is important for the latter to realize that it is her mission to be generous to her parents. Her success in life may very well depend on that. I reinforced that message. I know that in my life, when I have actually whole heartedly accepted the responsibility to take care of my parents - and be generous with them, my income continued to grow. So for people like me - the thought of being generous goes beyond feeling good over it. It also somehow convinces us that it actually is the tenet of our success. One can argue - that the generosity actually provides one motivation to do well in their chosen career because the success actually allows someone not just to support himself - but also to support his loved ones.
The last experience I want to share with you is that today - as usual I've chanced upon the homeless women along session road. I typically have spare change for them - but today unfortunately I didn't have change. So I wasn't able to give them anything. In the past - when I give them something, even the smallest change - I actually feel really good about it. Think about it --- giving money to the homeless is actually a legitimate business transaction ( not my original idea, Simon Sinek actually brought that up in his speech ). You give them money so you can feel good. To be honest - that's a pretty good way to spend one's money - compared to trying to feel good by consuming alcohol or buying the latest gadget.
With all my Generous Heart,
The Forty Year Old You.
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