Heart woke up early. Heart was excited because today, he is all set for an adventure. He is going to jump off a cliff into the crystal blue waters surrounding this beautiful island. Heart woke up Mind and Body to get them all to join him in this adventure.
Mind was hoping that Heart will lose interest in this nonsense. He thinks this is crazy. He had always won all arguments with heart in the past. But something changed recently, he doesn’t know how but Heart seemed to have found courage. He thinks all that Light Writing has made Heart crazy.
The friends finally reached the cliff. Body was uncontrollably shaking. He feels he is held hostage by Heart’s idea. He refuses to move towards the edge of the cliff.
Mind realized that Body has gone stiff and felt triumphant. It seems like - Heart is not going to get his way this time. He then heard Heart saying.
"Body my friend, I can feel your fear. I know that you are fragile. I know that you think - you have the most to lose in all of this but I ask of you to feel that behind that anxious feeling, there is a curious voice that is telling us, ‘This can be epic’.” We can stop this now if you want but come and hold my hand – and feel my courage. Use this courage to propel us to run towards the horizon and face our adventure.”
Mind - rolled his eyes. That word … Courage … again. It all now comes to this - he seems to have no choice but to hold hands with Heart and Body - and jump off the cliff.
And so the three friends jumped.
Mind felt ecstasy. We are flying - he thought.
Body, fully relaxed felt that time has stopped while they were mid-air.
A big splash - and they all felt the cold but tender embrace of the ocean as they sank deep into the waters.
The three started to float to the surface.
Body started to breathe. Mind is speechless. He sees the world differently now. Every ounce of anxiety is gone - and he is ecstatic over the knowledge that he gained. He can jump off a cliff - and live to tell about it.
Heart - is triumphant. As they jumped off this cliff, Body, Mind, and him: Heart was one.
They gave each other high fives.
Heart said, "This is awesome - I'm now ready for our next adventure".
Mind nervously asked, "What adventure?".
"Today - we jumped off the cliff - and we experienced oneness through it all. I think we are ready."
Body stiffened. He senses danger.
"Come on my friends, after this, what else can top this? Let's all seek the greatest adventure in this world: finding Love."